Start Selling on TikTok Shop

All-in-one E-commerce Integration Solution that for batch sync of Shopify products, inventory to TikTok Shop, and order fulfillment in Shopify.

Home eCommerce How to Access TikTok Shop?

In the ever-evolving landscape of e-commerce, TikTok Shop has emerged as a dynamic platform for businesses to reach a broader audience. With millions of active users daily, TikTok Shop provides a unique opportunity for brands to showcase their products in an engaging and interactive way. As the digital marketplace continues to grow, understanding how to get TikTok Shop and leverage its features can significantly impact your business’s success.

What is TikTok Shop?

TikTok Shop is an innovative e-commerce feature embedded within the popular social media platform TikTok, designed to transform the way businesses and consumers interact. It allows businesses to sell products directly through TikTok, merging entertainment with shopping to create a seamless and engaging user experience. Unlike traditional e-commerce platforms, TikTok Shop leverages the app’s powerful algorithm to showcase products to users who are likely to be interested, based on their browsing and interaction history.

Businesses can set up a virtual storefront, list products, and even host live streaming sessions to demonstrate products in real-time, fostering a more interactive and personal shopping experience. Consumers can discover new products through their feeds, watch videos, participate in live streams, and purchase items without ever leaving the app. This integration not only enhances convenience but also capitalizes on TikTok’s vast and diverse user base, offering businesses an innovative way to reach and engage with potential customers.

How Does Buyers Access TikTok Shop?

Step 1: Download and Open TikTok

To begin your shopping journey, start by downloading the TikTok app from the App Store or Google Play. This app is available for both iOS and Android devices, ensuring broad accessibility. Once the app is installed, open it and either log in with your existing account or create a new one. This step is crucial as having an account allows you to fully explore and utilize the features of TikTok Shop.

Step 2: Find TikTok Shop

After logging into the app, you can find TikTok Shop by navigating to the “Discover” tab located at the bottom of the screen. Look for the shopping bag icon or specific product tags on videos, which indicate that the content is shoppable. Clicking on these icons or tags will direct you to the TikTok Shop interface, where you can start browsing products.

Step 3: Browse Products

Within TikTok Shop, you can browse a wide array of products from various sellers. The platform offers a personalized shopping experience, showing products tailored to your interests and previous interactions. This feature makes it easier to find items that match your preferences. Use the search bar, filters, and categories to navigate through different products efficiently.

Step 4: Check Product Details

When you find a product that piques your interest, click on it to view its details. Here, you’ll see comprehensive information, including product descriptions, prices, reviews, and shipping options. This detailed view helps you make informed decisions by providing all necessary information about the product’s features, quality, and delivery terms.

Step 5: Add to Cart

If you decide to purchase a product, simply click the “Add to Cart” button. You can continue shopping and add multiple items to your cart before checking out. This feature allows you to consolidate your purchases into a single transaction, making the shopping process more efficient and streamlined.

Step 6: Proceed to Checkout

Once you’ve added all desired items to your cart, navigate to the checkout page by clicking on the cart icon. Here, you will review your selected products and ensure everything is correct. TikTok Shop provides various payment options, including credit cards and digital wallets, to facilitate a smooth transaction process.

Step 7: Review and Place Your Order

Before finalizing your purchase, carefully review your order summary, including shipping information and total cost. Ensure that all details are accurate. Once you are satisfied, click the “Place Order” button to complete your purchase. After placing your order, you will receive a confirmation email with your order details and estimated delivery time.

How to Get TikTok Shop?

Step 1: Sign Up for a Seller Account

To start selling on TikTok Shop, you need to sign up for a seller account. Visit the TikTok Seller Center website and click on the “Sign Up” button. Provide the necessary information, such as your phone number and email address to sign up to TikTok Shop. This initial step is essential to gain access to the Seller Center.

Step 2: Verify Your Documents

After initial registration, you will need to select your business type (individual or corporate) and determine your shop name. The registration process also includes verifying your business documents (e.g. company name, business registration number, registered business address), your personal information, payment information and your tax information.

Both individual and business accounts require uploading your passport, driver license or social security documents to verify your personal information.

In order for you to be paid, you will also need to complete payment information and tax information.US businesses/individuals need to fill in W9 Form, and non-US businesses/individuals need to fill in W8 Form inform. Ensure all provided information is accurate and up-to-date.

Step 3: Set Up Your Shop Profile

After registration, it’s time to set up your shop profile. Add a professional profile picture and write a compelling bio that highlights your business’s unique value proposition. Include links to your website and other social media profiles. A well-crafted profile enhances your brand’s credibility and helps attract potential customers by making a positive first impression.

Step 4: List Your Products

Create detailed and appealing product listings by adding high-quality images, thorough descriptions, and competitive prices. Use relevant keywords to improve the visibility of your listings within TikTok Shop. This step is critical as attractive and informative listings can significantly boost your chances of converting visitors into buyers.

You can also choose a third-party integration tool, such as Datech ShopSync, to batch-synchronize products from your website to TikTok Shop in one click. With e-commerce integration tools, you can manage your online assets efficiently and have more time to work on your marketing strategy!

Step 5: Configure Payment Methods

Setting up your preferred payment methods is vital for smooth transactions. TikTok Shop supports various payment options, including credit cards, PayPal, Buy Now Pay Later (BNPL) service, Apple Pay, Google Pay, and other digital wallets. Ensure that your payment settings are correctly configured to offer customers flexibility and convenience, thereby enhancing their shopping experience.

Step 6: Launch and Promote Your Shop

Once your shop is set up and your products are listed, launch your shop and start promoting it. Utilize TikTok’s marketing tools, such as video content, ads, and influencer collaborations, to reach a broader audience. Engage with your followers through creative and interactive content to drive traffic to your shop and increase sales. By effectively promoting your shop, you can maximize your reach and capitalize on TikTok’s vast user base.

Requirements for TikTok Sellers

1. Account Eligibility

To be eligible for a TikTok Shop seller account, your business must meet specific criteria, such as having a valid business license and adhering to TikTok’s community guidelines.

TikTok Shop has released the latest entry criteria for merchants who want to apply for a global store with a mainland Chinese subject and a Hong Kong subject:

Merchant TypeEntry Threshold
Merchants with experience in operating Amazon U.S. site. [Amazon self-operated mode merchants need to meet]
1. The business entity of the Amazon account is the same as the TikTok Shop’s.
2. Store rating > 4.0 (furniture / men’s clothing and underwear categories > 3.8 can be).
3. Duration of operation > 3 months.4. Account health score ≥ 250 points. 

[Amazon supply mode merchants need to meet]
1. The business entity of the Amazon supplier account is the same as the TikTok Shop’s.
2. Amazon supply record in the last 6 months.
Merchants with experience in operating eBay/Walmart U.S. site.[eBay/Walmart self-operated mode merchants need to meet]
1. The business entity of the eBay/Walmart account is the same as the TikTok Shop’s.
2. The GMV of the single store in the past 12 months ≥ 500,000 U.S. dollars.
3. Duration of operation > 3 months.
4. Store positive feedback/ratings:- eBay store positive rating ≥90%.-Walmart store rating ≥4. 

[Walmart supply mode merchants need to meet]
1. The business entity of the Walmart supplier account is the same as the TikTok Shop’s.
2. Walmart supply records in the last 6 months.
Merchants with experience in operating DTC websites in the U.S. market.1. The business entity of the DTC website is the same as the TikTok Shop’s.
2. Trustpilot score ≥ 3.8 points.
3.The followers of social media of the corresponding brand >10,000.
TikTok Shop account eligibility for a mainland Chinese subject and a Hong Kong subject

2. Business Registration

Ensure your business is registered and compliant with local regulations. This may involve obtaining a business license, tax identification number, and other necessary documentation.

3. Bank Account

A valid bank account is required to receive payments from TikTok Shop. Ensure your account information is accurate and up-to-date to avoid payment delays.

4. Tax Information

Provide accurate tax information during the registration process. This ensures compliance with tax regulations and facilitates smooth transactions.

5. Compliance with TikTok’s Policies

Adhere to TikTok’s policies and guidelines to maintain a positive seller reputation. This includes following community standards, providing accurate product information, and delivering excellent customer service.

Strategies to Boost Your Shop’s Ranking

1. Optimize Product Listings

Optimizing your product listings is crucial for boosting your shop’s visibility and attracting potential buyers. Start by using high-quality images that accurately represent your products. Ensure that your descriptions are detailed, highlighting key features and benefits while incorporating relevant keywords to improve searchability. Additionally, set competitive prices and include clear shipping information to build trust with your customers. Regularly update your listings based on customer feedback and market trends to keep them relevant and appealing. A well-optimized listing not only attracts more views but also increases the likelihood of conversions, driving sales growth.

2. Leverage TikTok’s Social Features

TikTok’s social features, such as hashtags, trends, and challenges, can significantly enhance your shop’s visibility. Participate in popular trends and create engaging content that resonates with your target audience. Use relevant hashtags to increase the discoverability of your videos and products. Collaborate with influencers to expand your reach and build credibility. Additionally, encourage user-generated content by creating challenges or offering incentives for customers to share their purchases. Engaging with the TikTok community in these ways helps to create a buzz around your products and drives more traffic to your shop.

3. Leverage TikTok Live Streaming for Sales

Live streaming on TikTok is a powerful tool for boosting sales and engaging with potential buyers in real-time. Host live sessions to showcase your products, demonstrate their use, and answer questions from viewers. This interactive format allows you to build a personal connection with your audience, which can increase trust and drive immediate purchases. Promote your live streams in advance to maximize attendance and consider offering exclusive discounts or promotions during the event. Utilizing TikTok’s live streaming feature effectively can create a sense of urgency and excitement, leading to higher conversion rates and increased sales.

4. Utilize TikTok Ads

TikTok Ads are an effective way to reach a larger audience and drive traffic to your shop. The platform offers various ad formats, including in-feed ads, branded hashtags, and branded effects, allowing you to choose the best fit for your marketing strategy. Target your Ads based on demographics, interests, and user behavior to ensure they reach the most relevant audience. Create compelling Ad content that captures attention quickly and includes a clear call to action. Investing in TikTok Ads can significantly boost your shop’s visibility and attract new customers, ultimately driving sales and growth.

5. Offer Promotions and Discounts

Offering promotions and discounts is an effective strategy to attract more customers and boost sales. Limited-time offers, exclusive deals, and bundle discounts create a sense of urgency and incentivize immediate purchases. Promote these offers through your TikTok content and leverage features like countdown stickers to build anticipation. Additionally, consider implementing a referral program to encourage your existing customers to bring in new buyers. Regularly updating your promotions keeps your audience engaged and encourages repeat business, helping to increase your shop’s ranking and overall revenue.

6. Focus on Customer Engagement and Service

Providing exceptional customer service is key to building trust and loyalty, which in turn boosts your shop’s ranking. Respond promptly to customer inquiries and address any issues professionally and courteously. Engage with your audience by responding to comments on your videos and encouraging feedback. Show appreciation for your customers by offering personalized discounts or thank-you notes. By creating a positive shopping experience, you foster customer loyalty and encourage repeat business. Satisfied customers are also more likely to leave positive reviews and recommend your shop to others, further enhancing your reputation and visibility on TikTok.

7. Analyze and Adapt Based on Analytics

Regularly analyzing your shop’s performance using TikTok’s analytics tools is essential for making informed decisions and optimizing your strategies. Monitor metrics such as views, engagement rates, and sales to identify trends and understand what content resonates with your audience. Use this data to refine your product listings, marketing efforts, and customer engagement strategies. Additionally, track the performance of your Ads and promotions to determine their effectiveness and adjust your approach accordingly. By continuously analyzing and adapting based on analytics, you can improve your shop’s performance and maintain a competitive edge.

8. Integrate Shopify with TikTok Shop

Integrating Shopify with TikTok Shop offers numerous benefits, including centralized inventory management, streamlined order processing, and enhanced marketing capabilities. By using a tool like Datech ShopSync, you can sync your products, manage orders, and post videos and ads seamlessly. This integration simplifies your operations, saving time and reducing errors, allowing you to focus on growing your business. Moreover, Datech ShopSync provides valuable insights and analytics to help you optimize your marketing strategies and improve your shop’s performance. Leveraging this integration can enhance your overall efficiency and maximize your sales potential on TikTok.


TikTok Shop presents a unique opportunity for businesses to tap into a vast and engaged audience. By understanding how to get TikTok Shop and leveraging its features, you can drive sales and build brand loyalty. Integrating your Shopify store with TikTok Shop using Datech ShopSync ensures a seamless and efficient operation, enhancing your overall e-commerce strategy. Embrace the power of TikTok Shop and take your business to new heights. For a successful TikTok Shop experience, consider using Datech ShopSync, the ultimate tool for seamless integration and efficient management.

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